Job Search

KCPL can help you with your career change or job search. Search our catalog and explore the online resources listed below for information about resumes, cover letters, changing careers, and more.

KCPL Job Resources

If you have trouble finding what you need, please ask. You can also make an appointment to learn how to use KCPL's online job resources or to get help with online job applications, resume formatting, and other questions about doing job searches.

Use your KCPL library card to access these resources:

Adult Learning Center
Download resume templates, work with HelpNow writing experts to create resumes and cover letters, brush up on basic skills, study for the GED, and learn how to use Microsoft Office. You will need to create a free account to use this service.

Testing and Education Reference Center
Online practice tests available for many popular certification exams, including cosmetology, firefighter, law enforcement, nursing, military, postal, real estate, teaching, and others. You can also learn basic computer skills, build a resume, do a career assessment, and use the virtual career library. You will need to create a free account to use this service.

Gale Courses
Choose from hundreds of instructor-led online courses to help develop your job skills. A certificate of completion is awarded to students who pass final exam. Most course sessions run 6 weeks.

If you have trouble logging into one of these accounts, please visit the FAQ page or ask a staff member for help.

Kent County and Maryland Job Resources

American Job Center (Chestertown)
American Job Center staff make regular visits to the Chestertown branch of KCPL to assist with resumes, job searches, and other career questions. Search our Calendar for "American Job Center" to find information on upcoming visits.

Maryland Job Resources

Maryland Workforce Exchange

Chesapeake College Office of Job Development

Delaware Job Resources

Delaware JobLink

Chestertown Branch
408 High Street
Chestertown, MD 21620

North County Branch
119 N. Main Street
Building E, Suite 3
Galena, MD 21635

Rock Hall Branch
5746 N. Main Street
Rock Hall, MD 21661